Vonnie D - War prod. RadioAktive & BiggBoo

Vonnie D makes a reentry into the SLAP pages with this passionate track about living in a sometimes violent climate. Her voice is smooth but still has enough grit to make for some hard verses. The juxtaposition from the chiming of the bells and the deep fuzzy bass on the beat by BiggBoo and RadioAktive kind of reflect this dual-ability Vonnie D has. The first clip of the video has Vonnie D and her friends shouting out their fallen homie Shoota, and this song feels like an ode to him and everyone taken too soon. Specifically, Vonnie D talks about the pressure his passing has given her to really get her defenses and money up to keep her head held high. Voice2Hard delivers another immaculate visuals here, but the standout is Vonnie who is a natural performer in front of the camera in many ways. Long Live Shoota. Watch below: