Huey Briss & Niko Beats - Strings of Life ft. Seafood Sam (video)

Huey Briss & Niko Beats really know how to keep our attention, keeping their momentum up with yet another video. This duo always sets themselves apart with a classic sound (lush jazzy instrumentals and a vintage kit) with a modern twist. This comes in Niko's non-traditional kits that sound like a mash-up but somehow come together to make something sonically interesting. Huey on the other hand displays his talent for trash talking with smooth flows and poignant delivery. Seafood Sam compliments this style, talking autobiographical content in a way that sounds hard yet also contemplative. The CGI animation from videographer DAVIDKILL is a focal point of the video, detailing some of the lyrical content in startling fashion. This is some potent work. Watch below: